

16G Goth Cross Steel Fake Plugs

These 16G Goth Cross Steel Fake Plugs are sold in pairs and have a wearable area made of 316L stainless steel, giving them a realistic 0G appearance. Perfect for those who want the look of gauged plugs without the commitment.

size chest(in.) waist(in.) hips(in.)
XS 34-36 27-29 34.5-36.5
S 36-38 29-31 36.5-38.5
M 38-40 31-33 38.5-40.5
L 40-42 33-36 40.5-43.5
XL 42-45 36-40 43.5-47.5
XXL 45-48 40-44 47.5-51.5